Full-time studies


Timetables may change, so please note the date of publication provided for each document.

According to the latest Rector's notice, as of 23 February 2022, the basic mode of teaching at the Warsaw University of Technology is the in-person mode.

Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Engineering / Mechatronics of Vehicles and Construction Machinery, undergraduate (B.Sc.) studies: 

Date of publication Document to download
06-03-2024 Timetable summer 2023/2024 full-time study - year I
06-03-2024 Timetable summer 2023/2024 full-time study - year II
15-03-2024 Timetable summer 2023/2024 full-time study - year III
Examination schedules

Specialisations to choose from for Bachelor studies depending on the course. Clicking the specialisation enables downloading its presentation.

Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Engineering
Mechatronics of Vehicles and Construction Machinery
Study programs
Foreign languages
Learning materials


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