dr hab. inż. Zbigniew Humienny, prof. uczelni

Last name
Academic/professional titles/degrees
dr hab. inż., prof. uczelni
Room number
Narbutta 84, 02-524 Warszawa (Mokotów), room: 2.6B
Phone number
profesor uczelni in The Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering
Employee group
Scientific and didactic
Information about consultations
Środa 12.15-13.00
Piątek 9.15-10.00 Pierwsza połowa semestru (do 29 listopada)
Niedziela 9.15-10.00 Druga połowa semestru w dniach zjazdów studiów niestacjonarnych
(15 i 22 grudnia; 12 i 19 stycznia)
Pokój 2.6 B SiMR

Wednesday 12.15-13.00
Friday 9.15-10.00 First half of semester (up to 29 November)
Sunday 9.15-10.00 Second half of the semester during on-campus sessions for part-time studies
(15th & 22nd December; 12th i 19th January)
Room 2.13c Faculty of Automotive & Construction Machinery Engineering

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