Instruction for Authors

contributing to the journal

Machine Dynamics Research


General information for Authors
Papers submitted for publication in Machine Dynamics Research should fit the scope of the journal. The manuscripts are reviewed by two reviewers. The decision of acceptance of a paper belongs to the Editor in-Chief. No page charge is levied on the authors. By submitting a paper to this journal authors certify that the manuscript has not been published and is not under consideration for publication by another journal.
This means that the authors transfer all copyrights to the Editor.
Essentially, there is no page limit but the authors are expected to submit manuscripts of not more than 15 standard pages (12 p. characters, double spaced).
Two copies of the manuscript should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief:
Prof. Jerzy Bajkowski
Machine Dynamics Problems
Warsaw University of Technology
Narbutta 84, 02-524 Warsaw
PolandProvide the authors' names, affiliations and addresses. Indicate the address for correspondence (phone, fax, e-mail will be appreciated).

Provide an Introduction and Conclusions as separate sections. All pages must be numbered and all headings (subheadings) must be consistent. Refer to all figures, diagrams and photographs as Fig. and all tables as Table in the text. Include the Keywords (5-6) and the Abstract (100-200 words) outlining the main assumptions, hypotheses and results of the paper.

Prepare the list of references in alphabetic order. In the reference list use the style of the examples below:
Feng, Z.C., Sethna, P.R., 1993, Global Bifurcations in the Motion of Parametrically Excited Thin Plates, Nonlinear Dynamics, 4, 389-408.
Ioss, G., Joseph, D.D., 1980, Elementary Stability and Bifurcation Theory, Springer-Verlag, N.Y.
Potapov, V.D., 1991, On the Stability of Viscoelastic Beams under a Stochastic Excitation, in: M. Życzkowski (ed.), Creep in Structures, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 609-614.
Refer to the references with the name of the authors (the name of the first author and et al. when more than two) and the year of publication.

Figures and tables
All figures must be suitable for reproduction without being redrawn (please enclose the numbered figures and list of their captions on separate sheets). Check that all lettering will be legible after the figure is reduced to fit the final page layout (160x130 mm).

Final form of accepted manuscripts
To reduce as much as possible the time delay between paper acceptance and publication we expect the final form of revised and accepted manuscripts to be (e.g. Word 6, 7, ... for Windows files), sent on a diskette or by e-mail together with a printed copy.


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