Mechatronics of Vehicles and Construction Machinery

The Mechatronics of Vehicles and Construction Machinery field of study provides comprehensive knowledge which allows to apply this discipline in mechanical engineering, particularly concerning vehicles and construction machinery.

Teaching in the Mechatronics of Vehicles and Construction Machinery field of study is carried out so as to enable students to experience practical contact with the state-of-the-art computing equipment, computational and design methods and also modern material technology. The students of this field of study also acquire comprehensive electronic and information technology expertise (programming languages, operating systems, databases, computer networks).

In addition to lectures led by eminent experts in many different fields of science, significant number of subjects are carried out in the form of laboratories, projects and seminars. Such mode of teaching allows to prepare students for self-formulating and solving specific tasks.

Versatility and interdisciplinary education, broadened by knowledge of the latest achievements in the field of mechatronics allows the graduates of these studies to adapt easily to the requirements of the labour market, at the post of mechatronics engineer, as well as in scientific research units and in the sector of so-called advanced technologies.

The Mechatronics of Vehicles and Construction Machinery field of study consists of BSc and MSc studies available as full-time and part-time study modes.

The specialisation offer in the Mechatronics of Vehicles and Construction Machinery field of study includes not only those strictly connected with vehicle and construction machinery mechatronics, but also the specialisations related to smart structures.

The following specialisation areas are offered for BSc study programme in English:


Detailed information in Polish is available here.