Numerical Methods in Mechanics

Subject name Numerical Methods in Mechanics
Type of subject               Basic
Summary ECTS 3
Form of course 15h lecture, 15h laboratory
Lecturer                           Prof. Mariusz Pyrz, Ph.D., D.Sc.
A brief outline:
  • Introduction to numerical methods: number representation, algorithms, source of errors, modeling of typical problems in mechanics
  • Roots of nonlinear equations: Bisection, Newton-Raphson and False-Position methods, systems of nonlinear equations
  • Solution of linear algebraic equations: Gauss and Gauss-Jordan elimination, matrix inversion, iterative methods
  • Interpolation: Lagrange and Newton polynomials
  • Approximation: Least-Squares and linear regression
  • Numerical integration: Trapezoidal rule, Newton-Cotes formulas and Gauss quadrature
  • Numerical solution of eigenvalue problem: Power method, main idea of QR method
  • Ordinary differential equations: Euler's method, Runge-Kutta methods, systems of equations
  • Introduction to programming in Scilab (or Matlab) 
  • Algorithms for finding roots of a nonlinear equation, test of convergence (numerical example: equilibrium of a floating object)
  • Solution of a system of linear algebraic equations (numerical example: approximation of experimental data using the least squares approach)
  • Determination of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix (numerical example: eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes of a system of vibrating masses)
  • Numerical solution of a system of ordinary differential equations (numerical example:  cantilever beam subjected to bending)