Introduction to Mechatronic Control Systems

Subject name Introduction to Mechatronic Control Systems
Type of subject               Basic
Summary ECTS 3
Form of course 15h lecture, 15h laboratory
Lecturer                           Tomasz Mirosław, Ph.D.
A brief outline:
  • Introduction to automation control: Aim of automatic control systems, steering and control, short history of automatic control system. Basic structure in automatic control systems. Examples of logic control system on switches – safety loop. Basic logic function realised on wire (not, and, or, EXor)
  • Types of dynamic elements and systems: mathematical description of dynamic systems with differential equation – state variable.
  • Feed-back in dynamic systems. Example of dynamic elements: inertial element, inertia with backlash and hysteresis (dynamic system with delay). Example: model of electric motor.
  • Operational calculus in dynamic system analyses – operational equation. Mathematical description in operational domain. Interpretation of poles and zeros.
  • Regulators P, I, D and combination, structures and influences for dynamic system. Feedback sensors, role and features and influences for dynamic system.
  • Another control systems: forward, fuzzy logic, neuron network. Structure of computer based control system I/O interfaces, networking and communication.
  • Basic electronic element used in regulator. Form diodes to microprocessor : examples of electronic elements diodes, transistors, analog amplifiers in amplifiers: integrator, differential units , basic types of digital elements: logic, flip-flop, counter, Boole arithmetic. Logic equation optimization.
  • PLC in simple control – introduction to programming  
  • Modelling of typical dynamic systems with MATLAB/Simulink
  • Modelling and analyses of dynamic systems with differential equation
  • Modelling and analyses  of dynamic systems in operational domain
  • Modelling of hydraulic systems with MATLAB/Simulink
  • Modelling of regulators in MATLAB
  • Electric control systems on switches and relays –system composing
  • Computer programming – Delphi – program.