Registration for the Physical Education and Sports

We kindly remind you, that registration process for the Physical Education and Sports is carried out on-line. Students of the SiMR faculty are scheduled to select courses for the summer semester 2016/2017 on Saturday, 18.02.2017, from 16:00 to 22:00.

Starting from winter semester 2016/2017, students should register for the Physical Education and Sports in the same way as for any other courses, using registration module in USOSWeb.

In the stated above time limit log in into USOSWeb (using granted login name and password), open the SUDENT'S SECTION tab, choose Registrations and then select for courses from the left menu. Next proceeed to register for the Physical Education and Sports following guidelins provided on the screen.

From 20th to 24th of February, students who have not registered for the Physical Education and Sports in USOS system, are requested to visit the Physical Education and Sports Center at 12A Waryńskiego str., at the time of scheduled physical education classes (according to the timetable) and sign on for chosen type of classes at the staff on duty.

From the 27.02 students not registered for the Physical Education and Sports should report directly to the sport facility and sign on at the tutor.

Assistance for students is provided by the Physical Education and Sports Center's Office, at 9:3013:00.

More information about the Physical Education and Sports classes and registering process: