The Automation Systems

Subject name Automation Systems
Type of subject               Specialized
Summary ECTS 3
Form of course 15h lecture, 15h laboratory
Lecturer                           Mariusz Pawlak, Ph.D.
A brief outline:
  • Introduction: basic concepts, classification of control systems of continuous processes, examples.
  • Methods for description of dynamical systems: differential equations, transmittances, time and frequency characteristics.
  • Features static and dynamic basic blocks.
  • Seting and reducing schematics of blocks.
  • Objects of control and identification of objects.
  • PID controllers.
  • Stability of control systems, the stability study using Hurwitz and Nyquist criteria.
  • Static and Dynamic Indicators of quality of regulatory, selection of parametrs of controlers.
  • Designing a control systems.
  • Complex control systems: cascade control, correction dynamic adjustment of ratio: simple and cascade.
  • Disturbance compensation systems, circuits closed-open.
  • Nonlinear Systems: Control of two-and three-state.
  • Identification of object, adjusted the parametrs of the governers.
  • Start-up and testing singel circuit control system.
  • The control logic (sequential and combinatorial).
  • Programming PLC and SCADA.
  • Verification controlers.
  • Simulation of the system with feedback.