Power Electronics

Subject name Power Electronics
Type of subject               Specialization
Summary ECTS 3
Form of course 30h lecture, 15h laboraory
Lecturer                           Bartłomiej Ufnalski, Ph.D.
A brief outline:
  • Why electric powertrain - an introduction
  • Semiconductor devices - from commonly used in powertrains to new trends such as SiC
  • DC/DC converters
    • step-down (buck) converter
    • step-up (boost) converter
    • buck-boost converter
    • one-directional and two-directional converters
    • interleaved converter
    • H-bridge converter for a DC drive
    • bipolar and unipolar modulation schemes
    • selected control structures
  • DC/AC converters
    • topologies for 3-phase BLDC/PMSM/IM drives
    • multiphase topologies
    • multilevel topologies
    • modulation schemes for 3-phase 2-level inverters
    • selected control structures
  • AC/DC converters
    •    unidirectional chargers and bidirectional grid interfaces (the V2G concept)
    •    on-board and off-board solutions (slow and fast charging)
    •    impact on the grid (diode rectifiers vs. transistor rectifiers)
    •    selected control structures
  • Power management in multi-storage/source systems
    •    hybrid combustion engine plus electric motor solutions
    •    hybrid electrochemical battery and ultracapacitor solutions
  • Future trends and roadmaps
  • Step-down converter
  • Step-up converter
  • H-bridge converter and modulation schemes
  • Interleaved converter
  • VSI PWM inverter and modulation schemes
  • VSI PWM rectifier