Physics III

Subject name Physics III
Type of subject               Basic
Summary ECTS 2
Form of course 30h lecture
Lecturer                           Michał Marzantowicz, Ph.D.; Wojciech Wróbel, Ph.D.
A brief outline:
  • Periodic motion, oscillations. Mechanical waves. Types of waves. Speed and energy of waves. Differential equation of waves. Doppler effect.
  • Electromagnetic waves - Maxwell's equations. Spectrum of electromagnetic waves. Speed of light. Poynting vector.
  • Propagation of light - Fermat's and Huygen's principle . Geometrical optics - refraction and refection. Phase and group velocity of the waves - dispersion.
  • Interference, Young's experiment . Interference in thin films. Diffraction, diffraction from the single slit, multiple slits, diffraction grating. Polarization of waves, optical properties of liquid crystals, LCD devices.
  • Photon, emission and absorption of light. Wave-particle duality. Photoelectric effect, Compton effect. X-ray production and scattering. Wave nature of particles, de Broglie waves.
  • Atoms, Bohr model of atom. Atomic emission lines and energy levels.
  • Quantum mechanics. Probability and uncertainty. Wave function. Schrödinger equation. Tunneling.
  • Quantum model of the atom. Quantum numbers. Periodic table of elements. Molecular spectra.
  • Quantum statistics. Lasers - construction , principle of operation and applications.