Computer Techniques Laboratory

Subject name Computer Techniques Laboratory
Type of subject               Basic
Summary ECTS 1
Form of course 15h laboratory
Lecturer                           Jędrzej Mączak, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Brief outline

The course teaches basic programming concepts, techniques, features, and functions that can be used to  create test and measurement, data acquisition, instrument control, datalogging and measurement analysis  applications.
This course assumes that students are familiar with Windows and have experience writing algorithms in the form of flowcharts or block diagrams.


During the course students will learn basics of LabVIEW graphic programming language.

This course prepares students to do the following:

• Understand front panels, block diagrams, icons, and connector panes

• Use the programming structures and data types that exist in LabVIEW

• Use various editing and debugging techniques

• Create and save VIs so you can use them as subVIs

• Display and log data

• Create applications that use plug-in DAQ devices

Student will obtain their own LabVIEW software copies for educational usage.
 Detailed information will be given in the beginning of the course.

Detailed course outline

Introduction to the graphic programming language

  • Introduction to the LabVIEW environment
    • programming environment
    • projects
  • Debugging programmes
  • Code implementation (loops, case structures)
  • Basic data structures and operations on data
  • Developing modular applications
  • Plotting data
  • Common design techniques and patterns
Form of studies

Computer laboratory: 15 h (7 exercises). Presence is obligatory. Required home preparation of new materials before classes.

Each exercise may be preceded by a short test. During the exercise students will write short computer programmes under instructor supervision. In the end students will write marked LabVIEW programmes yourself.

Grading criteria Final grade is the average from all the exercises.
  • 2012 LabVIEW Core 1 Course Manual. National Instruments.
  • 2012 LabVIEW Core 1 Exercises manual. National Instruments.

Detailed information regarding the course (eg. examples, manuals etc.) could be found in the Mechatronics Laboratory intranet web page:

Login and password will be given during the first meeting.

Reference resources Reference resources are available here.