Obligation of reporting suspected COVID-19 cases

We would like to remind our students about the obligation to report cases of suspected COVID-19 disease, in accordance with the Order No. 104/2020 of the WUT Rector.

People with symptoms justifying the suspicion of COVID-19 should inform the Dean (e-mail: dziekan.simr@pw.edu.pl) and send a message to the e-mail address: powiadomienia@pw.edu.pl.

People in quarantine should inform the Student Office (e-mail: BOS.simr@pw.edu.pl) and send a message to the e-mail address: powiadomienia@pw.edu.pl.

Detailed information on how to proceed in the event of a health threat caused by COVID-19 is specified in the documents:

  • Order No. 104/2020 of the Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology of 30 September 2020.


  • Order No. 7/2020 of the Dean of the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering of 8 October 2020 (available in Polish).
