Monthly meeting for the foreign students of WUT

Discover, how to deal with depressing, dark and wet autumn days, learn where to find a little help, meet with The Warsaw Multicultural Center, where you can always find almost any kind of help.

The Warsaw University of Technology in cooperation with other municipal institutions has started the first edition of the series of the free of charge, monthly meetings for foreign students of WUT. The aim of the project is to familiarize international students with Polish tradition and customs and make their time in Poland even more enjoyable and profitable. Every meeting is devoted to a different subject but all of them concern Polish aspects.

Next meeting, under the heading Acclimating to Poland, will take place on 30 November 2017 (Thursday), at 4.15 p.m. in room 231 in the Main Building of WUT.

More information about the monthly meetings for foreign students of WUT