Important information for the 1st year students

We would like to invite all newly admitted students to read the important information presented below, constituting a compendium of knowledge for the first year students and introducing them to the world of studying at the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machines of the Warsaw University of Technology.

Classes in winter semester

Due to COVID-19, classes at WUT are conducted in a mixed mode. It means that some of them (mostly lectures) will be done remotely while others (mostly laboratories and tutorials) requires personal presence of students in the faculty building.


Information about the full list of courses taught in English at Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery in winter semester 2021/22 can be found at the our faculty website:

Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering » Studies » Full-time study » Timetables »

Classes marked with a rectangle without a room number are conducted remotely. Otherwise, the rectangle with the number of the room means that classes are conducted in the Faculty building and the presence of students is obligatory.


USOS system

USOS is a student management information system used in Warsaw University of Technology (WUT). The data stored in USOS database can be viewed by students through USOSweb:


Please note that data migration between USOS and USOSWeb (these are separate systems) is scheduled automatically daily at 6 AM, 2 PM and 6 PM. This takes usually 20 minutes and during this procedure system USOSWeb is closed. Added/changed data in USOS system are visible in USOSweb only after data migration. Accordingly, added/changed data from USOSweb is visible for Student Office only after migration.


Student ID card

The receipt of student ID cards takes place at the Student Office (room 0.6) during the working hours specified on the website. Before that, students must accept the academic vow in the USOSweb system.


E-mail address

Students of the Warsaw University of Technology are obliged to use the university e-mail accounts (in the ‘PW’ domain) in correspondence with employees of the Faculty, including the Student Office. Access to e-mail box service is at: The user name and password can be obtained from the USOSweb portal (‘Student’s section’ -> ‘Office 365’).


Training in Occupational Safety and Health

The training and the test in Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) will be held remotely using MS Teams. Each student will be given the access to materials for self-study. After learning these materials, students must complete the test. The detailed information (important dates, access to the materials, etc.) will be sent to individual student e-mail addresses. The OHS training is obligatory for all first semester students. Lack of participation in the training or a failed test prevents further participation in classes.


Library training

Compulsory library training for English-speaking students will be launched in mid-October. Students will be notified by e-mail. Failure to pass the library training makes it impossible to register for the next semester of studies.


Academic Regulations

Please read ‘Academic Regulations at the Warsaw University of Technology’ and ‘Rules of completing courses binding on the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering’. Both documents are available at:  Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering » Studies » Academic regulations



Please immediately report to the Student Office any errors observed, e.g. problems with logging in to USOSweb/e-mail box, the lack of access to classes held online.


Contact details:

Phone: (+48) 22 234 8435, (+48) 22 234 8181



At the same time, please be understanding in case of any temporary difficulties. We hope that good communication and cooperation will allow us to effectively solve any emerging problems.