Information about the Faculty

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About the Faculty

The Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering (SiMR) of Warsaw University of Technology has been educating engineers in fields related to automotive industry and construction machinery industry for 60 years now.

The scope of research and educational interest of the Faculty includes the issues related to theory and construction of road and railway vehicles, bodywork, hybrid drive systems, vehicle movement dynamics, drive system dynamics, laboratory and road studies of vehicles, technical safety and road traffic safety, vibration and noise damping, diagnostics of machine technical condition and vehicle diagnostics, computer simulations, fatigue and fracture mechanics, theory and application of intelligent materials, friction phenomena modelling, mechatronics, environmental protection, ergonomics, automation and robotisation of construction machinery, handling equipment systems, alternative sources of energy, combustion engines.

The Faculty has its own educational base consisting of 19 spacious lecture rooms, modern laboratories for teaching and research. Students use 6 modern computer workrooms which allow working at stations equipped with specialised engineering software.

The Faculty attaches great importance to adapting education to labour market requirements and expectations. The educational offer is being extended by the creation of new and evolution of traditional engineering fields of study and specialisations.

Graduates of the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering are specialists sought after on the labour market. They work in companies and institutions related mainly to the automotive, construction machines, road construction equipment and handling equipment industry, as well as to other branches of industry (transport industry, power industry, aviation), in the areas of activities connected with the design, production, maintenance and supervision.

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